In the garden.

As promised, I went to check out the garden with LJ yesterday. Turns out she's a huge fan of dirt, and I'm a pro at breaking things. The soil looked a little dry, so I decided to turn on the timer for a quick 30 minute soaking. As I was pushing the button to set it, the whole thing snapped off the spigot, and water started pouring out into our neighbor's plot! Uhh. Way to go, Andrea. Apparently I shouldn't be left alone in the garden unless you want important components to get completely destroyed.

Our radishes and green beans are champs just like last time, and everything else is either sprouting or will any day now. Since I can only post so many photos of the garden's progress before you want to stab out your eyes with hot forks from the boredom, I decided to add a little interest in the form of a cute baby in pink. Not that I don't post enough pictures of said baby as it is… but babies are a little more interesting to watch grow than sprouting veggies.



LJ garden

Agritopia Community Garden.

I was super stoked when my friend Vanessa asked me to share a plot at the Agritopia Community Garden with her and her mom. I have been dying to learn to garden and this was the perfect opportunity. The soil is what Vanessa refers to as "magical soil" AND the garden is strictly organic. I love the idea of feeding my family things that I was involved in from seed to plate, and not only that, but to share in that fun with a good friend!

You may remember Vanessa and her husband Jason from this post featuring some of their maternity pictures. Their little boy Lincoln was born on 10.10.10 and he is such a handsome little nugget! I got to see him last week and he is sooooo precious! I forgot what it was like to have a baby that small… and it hasn't even been that long. Oh boy.

Anyway, three weeks ago (the day before Vanessa's due date/inducement!) we headed out there and seeded our 20' x 20' plot.




And thirteen seconds later, Lincoln was born.

About ten days later, Amber and I headed out to check on our little sprouts, and we discovered that we are indeed in business!




I'm heading back out there today to check out the progress and see if anything needs to be done. I love being a part of something that fosters community and friendship and mutual support and healthful living. We are in very good company with other novice gardeners, urban farm experts, restauranteurs and friends, all who are willing to offer advice and share what they are learning along the way. It's so much fun and I hope my little girl learns a lot from these experiences in the coming years!